Joel Bowerman

Joel Bowerman


Instrumental Piano

Home Region

Hobart, AU

Minutes of Material


Show Language



Joel’s musical journey began in the serene city of Hobart, Tasmania, where he discovered his passion for the piano at the age of 7. With no formal training, his natural talent blossomed, leading him to perform on various stages by the age of 16. His exceptional skills attracted widespread attention, earning him appearances on television and radio, as well as performances at the esteemed Falls Festival. Joel obtained the coveted position of resident musician at the prestigious The Ritz-Carlton Melbourne Hotel for several years, one of Melbourne’s most luxurious and extravagant venues.

Eager to share his music with the world, Joel embarked on a global adventure, entertaining audiences aboard numerous cruise lines. His magnetic stage presence and dynamic performances quickly propelled him to the forefront of the entertainment scene, where he now headlines his own captivating shows. Joel also has a growing online presence, with currently over 1 million viewers to his YouTube videos.

Across distant shores, Joel continues to enchant audiences with his unparalleled talent, leaving an enduring impression on his listeners.


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