Cervila Malambo Queens

Cervila Malambo Queens


Variety Act

Home Region

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Minutes of Material


Show Language



Cervila Malambo Queens is a group of dancers with great skills and abilities. Their high-impact show will astonish you with the rhythm of their drums, the power of their zapateo (footwork dance), and the strength of their boleadoras. Four women showcase on stage all the magic that the malambo rhythm brings, representing the power of women through dance. Music, rhythm, dance, and a lot of energy will make the audience experience countless emotions. they won't stop applauding these marvelous queens of Malambo.


Cervila Malambo Queens presents an unprecedented show, the most powerful spectacle in the world.

Cervila Malambo Queens not only showcases their individual talents but also their incredible teamwork. The synchronization among the dancers is flawless, creating choreographies that are true works of art in motion. The swift and precise formation changes keep the audience captivated and amazed at all times.

The audience can't help but be swept away by the music and rhythm, connecting with the joy and passion that Cervila Malambo Queens convey. Each performance is unique, filled with surprises and delightful moments that make of this show unforgettable an unforgettable experience

The second performance of Cervila Malambo Queens successfully blends the richness of Latin American legends and myths with the energy and passion of malambo. Every dance step and each change of character immerses us in the fascinating history of Latin America, filling the stage with magic and emotions. It's a spectacle that celebrates cultural diversity and invites us to explore our past in order to better understand our present.

At the beginning of the show, a dancer ventures into the Cave of Salamanca, which, according to legend, was a place where witches practiced their magic, granting power to those who entered. The main dancer will possess the witches' power, allowing her to leap through time and embody some of the most influential characters in Latin American history, such as Juana Azurduy, Alfonsina Storni, or the renowned Argentine politician, Eva Perón.

This show unfolds with both power and mystery, using malambo as the guiding rhythm. It transitions from story to story, ultimately arriving at the present day, where the Cervila Malambo Queens become the most powerful and influential women of the new era. The show also involves interaction with the audience.


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